We believe an open, private and secure internet is a fundamental right wherever you are in the world.

It's our mission to make internet privacy, security and freedom simple and accessible for everyone.

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In 2016 we launched Top10VPN.com and so far we’ve helped over 10 million internet users in 190 countries find the right VPN to protect their online privacy.

Our research into VPN, global censorship, surveillance and internet security has been recognised by leading publications around the world.

Proudly Supporting Privacy

We support these great organisations in their fight for an open internet and defence of our digital rights.

  • Electronic Frontiers Australia
  • Electronic Frontier Foundation
  • Fight for the Future
  • Access Now
  • Open Rights Group

PrivacyCo Ltd. is Registered in England & Wales | Company No. 09435976 | VAT Reg. GB211062276

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